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Studying law can be very challenging and tedious. There is a lot of research that needs to be done, and it seems like there is always more information to be learned. However, there are some aspects of law you cannot learn in a classroom; you have to learn through experience and worldly research. Many books exist that document experiences and lessons that are important for law students to know as they move further into their career experience. Let’s dive into some of the most influential reads for anyone studying aspects in the field of law. 


To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee

Although this book is of the fiction genre, it provides an accurate portrayal of America’s social climate during the 1930s. It has become a classic and used to be a regular read in many schools across the nation because of its criticisms of society and discussions of racism. What makes this book extremely relevant to law students is the storyline of the main character, Atticus Finch, who is a lawyer for a man who has been shunned by his community. Atticus displays values of morality and operating in the legal system with equality and justice. For those who are interested in studying why rights must be protected and what makes law important, this is an excellent read.


Winning Arguments by Jay Heinrichs

This book aligns itself with the subject of advocacy, and is very relevant to law students. Most work you complete as a law student pertaining to creating accurate appearing arguments that give fair representation to each side. This book’s primary goal is to provide tools and suggestions for using clever rhetorical techniques and structuring ideas. Many describe this read as being fun and lighthearted. 


Letters to a Law Student by Nicholas McBride

This fiction book is an interesting and endearing collection of “letters” to a student concerning what it is truly like to study law. It also provides a general informational overview of the legal system itself. The primary intention is to teach listeners to study effectively and offer beneficial advice on how to do so. Some of the topics discussed in this book include how to make notes on a case and how much work you should be doing.